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Providing Buyer access after subject removal and prior to completion?

Sellers make the final decision as to whether to allow buyers to visit their home after subject removal and prior to completion but most listing agents discourage such situations because too many things can go wrong.

The buyers might think that the house is already theirs, and they might begin touch, test or make changes that are unacceptable to the owner.  Buyers could create issues during the time of their visit and leave the homeowners stuck having to pay to correct the damage or repair.

Buyers might also start making lists of extra repairs they want to see completed before closing. Most often, these aren’t genuinely necessary fixes. They’re simply things the homebuyers would like to see changed.  This can be especially frustrating if the transaction has already gone through the inspection and repair process.  I recommend against providing access and asking the that Buyer complete their due diligence during their home inspection.

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