Call or Text: 604-831-7321  Email: REALTOR®, Licensed since 2004

SELLERS – J & P Mistry

When we decided to sell our townhouse, we were committed to taking an objective approach to finding the best Realtor. That is, we wanted to decide with our heads, not with our hearts. We interviewed several Realtors, including Kristy. We came away from our interview with Kristy, impressed with her commitment, preparation and strategic approach. When the time came to stage the townhouse, Kristy (Private Property Staging) far exceeded our already high expectations. Kristy had a clear strategy, was completely honest and made us feel that she was fully focused on our needs. With all that said, the real proof is in the pudding. We listed on March 18th, and held the first open house on March 22nd. On March 23rd, we reviewed the offers and we accepted an offer that was well over asking before we went to bed that night”.

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